The Fishel family arrived in Bath in the early 1830s. The 1833
Bath Street Directory lists Myer Fishel, Silversmith at 6 New Bond Street.
The family suffered an early setback: on 2 July 1835 the Bath Chronicle carried a report of a 'Daring burglary and extensive robbery' at the dwelling house of Mr Fishell, Jeweller, of Walcot Buildings. The thieves crossed the river in a boat and tied ladders together to reach the drawing room window. Watches and jewellery to the value of £100 were stolen.
The family stayed in Bath and a few years later in 1839 the Bath City Directory lists Myer Fishell as a watchmaker and optician in Broad Street. By 1846 he is listed as a watchmaker and optician at 1 New Broad Street Place and by 1858 as a Watchmaker and Antiquarian at 4 Upper Walls.
The same Directory lists Jessie at the same address as a Wardrobe dealer.
The census records that their five children were all born in Somerset; Morris in 1832, Elizabeth in 1834, Samuel in 1835, Louis in 1836 and Amelia in 1838. Amelia's birth is recorded in Bath.
A number of reports in the Bath Chronicle paint a vivid picture of life in Bath during the 1840s and 50s:
In 1847 'two little urchins' were convicted of stealing a silver plated cup from Myer Fishel.
In 1847 a thief was committed to trial for stealing a silver skewer, which he offered for sale to Mrs Fischel who detained it as she thought it was stolen
In 1850, Samuel is accused and acquitted of stealing two silver spoons from Mr R Solomons; in 1853 Samuel is assaulted in Upper Burough Walls and in 1852 Louis was fined 2s 6p for committing assault. In 1853 Mr Fishel was summoned for the recovery of 11s 6p for commission on the sale on a piano and 1856 Mrs Fishel is summoned for non payment of 2s for a bonnet (payment was subsequently made).
It is possible that the family are related to Barnett Lichtenstein, Reader at the Synagogue 1867-mid 1870s, who was married to Susannah Fishel, but it has not been possible to evidence the connection.
The Myer children did not stay in Bath. Morris went to London where he initially lived with Samuel Joseph - perhaps his uncle. He was baptised in 1852 and married Harriet Banks.
Louis and Amelia went to the USA. Elizabeth married Joseph S Woolf and had four children in New Orleans. Louis died in new Orlean in 1916. Amelia never married - after the death of her mother she went to the USA and lived with Louis in New Orleans until she died in 1922. There is no further trace of Samuel.