Under this stone is interred
Aaron son of Moshe zl from Biala.
Died with a good name Wed 4 Tevet
buried Sunday 8 year 5558
May his memory be blessed
הה בח אהרן בן בה משר
זל מביאלא ןןוסק במו מ
באמונה נפטר בשים טרב
ביום ר ־ טבת ונקבר ביום
א־ בו שנת הקפג לפק
בן שמנה רבויים שנים
ת נ צ ב ח
...... MEMORY OF
who departed this life
18th Dec ...
Aged 18 Years
We are still looking for information about Aaron Morris. One clue is provided by the name at the bottom of the headstone - 'B Levy London'. This is the name of a well known stone mason. There is a record for A Morris, Mason at 1 St Swithins Court, Bath in the 1819 City Directory. Perhaps Aaron was a relative or worked for Barnett Levy in London?