Abraham died at the age of 84 of 'paralysis'. He provided in his will for his wife Hannah and son Daniel who were still living at 20 Bathwick Street in the 1851 census.
By the 1861 census they are living in London. Hannah is recorded in the 1871 census living at 54 Elgin Avenue, London. Daniel never married. He died aged 34 in August 1876 at the Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum Wokingham. Hannah remained in London where she died in July 1878. In her will she left her estate to be divided between her sisters and asked her sister Sarah Moss to "have placed over the grave my late dear son Daniel Rees a suitable stone and inscription to be paid for out of my estate before division amongst my legatees. " We do know why Daniel was admitted to Broadmoor or if he is buried in the grounds of the hospital or if Hannah claimed his body. .