Rachel was the daughter of Samuel and Phoebe Jacobs, graves 87 and 88 and the sister of Harriet grave 89 and Julia grave 80. She was born in 1826 in Whitechapel London.
Rachel had a brother, who died aged 15, and seven sisters, all born in Whitechapel. She never married. Her father Samuel was a clothes salesman. There is no record of the family in England in the 1851 census. But there is record forRachel , her parents and three of her sisters, Harriet, Julia and Maria, returning from Victoria, Australia in March 1855. A record of their arrival in Victoria has not been found but three of Rachel's sisters were married in Victoria between 1850 and 1854 (see life story for Samuel Jacobs grave 87).
By the 1861 census Rachel, together with her patents and her three unmarried sisters Harriet, Julia, and Maria were living in Paddington. Maria married in 1866 and went to live in Vienna.
The family moved to Bath in 1861/2 , probably because of Samuel's health. He died in 1866 a rich man and Harriet's mother died a year later.
Rachel continued to live in Bath with her two unmarried sisters , Harriet and Julia. In the 1871 census they are living in 2 Somerset Cottages, Prior Park Road. Their occupations are recorded as 'bond holders/income from foreign bonds'. By the 1881 census Harriet and Rachel are living in a lodging house at 11 Manvers Street. Their sister Julia was recorded as living in the St Cuthberts Lunatic Asylum in Wells.
Rachel made a will which gives her address as 27 Milsom Street. However she died on 22 December 1885 at New King Street. She appointed her sister Harriet and her brother in law Emmanuel Davis as executors. Emmanuel had returned to Birmingham with his 4 children after the death of his wife Amelia, Rachel's sister, in Australia. Harriet died in 1885 leaving her personal effects of £973 12s 8d. tor Rachel
Rachel died three years later on 15 March 1888 at 4 New King Street, Bath. Her personal estate was £2,026 1s. 9d. which she left to "my sisters who shall be living at my decesase".